Auto Arch and Hyprland Script Update


I’ve recently made some updates to my Auto Arch and Hyrpland Dotfiles scripts, aiming to streamline the Arch Linux installation process. While I initially thought about combining the two, I decided to keep them separate but interconnected. Now, the Auto Arch script automatically clones the Hyprland Dotfiles repository into the user’s home folder, providing a straightforward way to get both Arch Linux and the Hyprland configuration in one go.

Changes in auto-arch

Changes in hyprland-dotfiles

This is what the setup looks like now


What the installation looks like now

This is the typical workflow if you want to install arch linux with my version of hyprland

git clone
bash auto-arch/

Step 2:


Step 3: Login as user and run the install-hyprland script to install hyprland and deploy my dotfiles.